An initiative in cooperation
with strong partners

EMCAF is anchored by six large reputable investors.

  • KfW is one of the world’s leading promotional banks.
  • KfW Development Bank has been supporting the German Federal Government to achieve its goals in development policy and international development cooperation for more than 50 years.
  • On behalf of the IKI (International Climate Initiative), which is operating under the leadership of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, KfW provides crucial concessional capital to the fund.
Find out more about KFW

Find out more about the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

  • The Nordic Development Fund is a joint Nordic international finance institution, established by Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden to address climate change and development challenges in lower income countries.
  • The Fund provides financing on concessionary terms in the form of grants, loans and equity.

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  • The Luxembourg Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development is responsible for implementing the government’s environmental programme, coordinating the work regarding sustainable development, protecting the environment and tackling climate change.
  • The ministry financially supports projects that aim to reduce negative environmental impacts.

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  • Allianz is one of the world’s leading insurers and asset managers with approximately EUR 1,966bn third party assets under management1.
  • As a global insurer and long-term investor Allianz aims to protect natural resources, the environment and contribute to a low carbon economy.

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  • Folksam is one of the largest Swedish insurance companies insuring every second person in Sweden.
  • As one of Sweden’s largest investment managers with EUR 48bn in assets, Folksam has a long history of promoting the social and environmental responsibility of the companies it invests in.

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  • The European Investment Bank is the lending arm of the European Union founded in 1958 and active in over 160 countries in and beyond the EU.
  • It is the biggest multilateral financial institution in the world and one of the largest providers of climate finance.

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  • The UK Governments Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) is a ministerial department that pursues the UK’s national interests and those of British citizens. Moreover, to safeguard the UK’s security, defend its values, reduce poverty and tackle global challenges with international partners.
  • The investment in the Fund is an Official Development Assistance (ODA), also known as overseas aid budget, funded programme for FCDO.

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1 The figure is as of 31 December 2021.

Website for the Emerging Markets Climate Action Fund, an initiative together with the European Investment Bank. The fund is approved by the BaFin, but we do not seek external investors for this fund. The website is for image and information purposes only, specifically for certain persons having professional investment experience or potential target funds .

Multi-Asset private impact investments are highly illiquid and designed for professional investors pursuing a long-term investment strategy only.

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