Emerging Market
Climate Action Fund

Emerging Market Climate Action Fund (EMCAF) is an innovative blended finance Fund of Funds created in partnership by Allianz Global Investors (AllianzGI) and the European Investment Bank (EIB). The Fund provides highly catalytic early-stage equity financing to greenfield climate mitigation and adaptation projects in emerging and developing markets by backing fund managers and project developers active in this area. The Fund will create a long-lasting tangible impact by building up real assets on the ground as well as fuelling private market ecosystems that will sustain a low carbon economy over the long-term, allowing the target countries to become energy independent and resilient.

EMCAF brings together public and private sectors in pursuit of a common goal - to channel investment into emerging and developing countries to accelerate climate transition, facilitate their energy independence and meaningfully narrow the infrastructure investment gap at scale.

Moving away from fossil fuel dependency

Climate change is putting our world under pressure. Our activities to date have caused an estimated 1°C of global warming and, at the current rate of emissions, it is estimated that the world will warm on average by about 3.5°C to 4°C by the end of the 21st century.

Emerging and developing economies face an almost impossible challenge. They require a large and stable supply of energy to further fuel their economic growth and development, while at the same time reducing their reliance on fossil fuels.

By enabling the switch to renewable energy sources and efficient solutions, emerging and developing markets can by-pass the fossil fuel dependent route that developed economies have already taken, providing a more diversified and cleaner energy mix for growing populations and economies.

EMCAF targets two key investment areas

Two investment areas

Renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors represent a substantial majority of our investments with additional investment in related climate mitigation and adaption areas such as e.g. sustainable transport, forestry, rehabilitation/restoration of degraded land water supply and waste water, and the circular economy.

How do private investors benefit?

Attractive returns and positive outcomes are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Scarce public financing resources need to be complemented with private capital to fill the funding gap. EMCAF’s private investors can be part of the growing global commitment to clean energy, reducing risks to supply chains, preserving access to natural resources, and sharing responsibility for a more sustainable future.

Helping to create a more sustainable future

Climate Impact Lighthouse Initiative

EMCAF is a large ‘lighthouse impact initiative’. It will mobilise up to EUR 10bn to fill in the climate finance gap in emerging and developing markets. It will catalyse around 9-10 GW of clean energy capacity. The fund will comply with EIB’s Environmental & Social (“E&S”) standards.

Conference of Parties (COP)

The 21st UN Conference of Parties COP 21 created a multilateral agreement, known as the Paris Agreement, with the goal of limiting global warming to below 2°C compared to pre-industrial levels. More recently, COP 26, held in 2021, concluded the Glasgow Climate Pact building on the work achieved at COP 21. By providing financing to climate transition, EMCAF will directly contribute to the Paris Climate Goals.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

The UN SDGs comprise of 17 goals and 169 underlying targets calling for collective action to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. Achieving the environmental targets will be crucial to the success of the goals. As a public-private partnership, EMCAF contributes to the fight against climate change by targeting investments that align with the climate related SDGs:

point 5: gender equality point 7: affordable and clean energy point 13: climate action point 17: partnership for the goals

The Fund’s strategy is underpinned by a triple bottom line approach of “People, Planet, Prosperity”. Due to the fundamental commitment to financial, environmental and social sustainability principles that are mutually reinforcing, EMCAF’s investments will accelerate achievement of at least additional six SDGs beyond the four primary focus SDGs.

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European Investment bank

Emerging Market Climate Action Fund

A collaboration between two global leaders, Allianz Global Investors and the European Investment Bank, who are committed to tackling climate change and working towards a greener more sustainable future for all.

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In cooperation with our partners
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Website for the Emerging Markets Climate Action Fund, an initiative together with the European Investment Bank. The fund is approved by the BaFin, but we do not seek external investors for this fund. The website is for image and information purposes only, specifically for certain persons having professional investment experience or potential target funds . Multi-Asset private impact investments are highly illiquid and designed for professional investors pursuing a long-term investment strategy only.

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